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Biology all Chapters Combined Mocktest for MHTCET – 06

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#1. Which of the following produces testosterone?

#2. Major part by volume of semen is contributed by ______.

#3. The main function of mammalian corpus luteum is to produce

#4. The termination of process of oogenesis is indicated by formation of

#5. Choose the CORRECT group of labellings.

#6. hCG is secreted by

#7. cambium is essential for grafting in plants because

#8. Which ofthe following has proved helpful in preserving pollen as fossils?

#9. A typical embryo sac at maturity is

#10. Progeny resulting from cross pollination are

#11. Anemophily is NOT observed in

#12. Which one of the following may require pollinators, but is genetically similar to autogamy?

#13. How many different types of gametes will be formed by a pp plant with genotype TtYy?

#14. In a person suffering from sickle cell anaemia, becomes half moon shaped.

#15. mechanism that causes a gene to move from one linkage group to another is called

#16. If a colour blind man marries a woman who is homozygous for normal colour vision, the probability of their son being colour blind is

#17. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material came from the experiments of

#18. During DNA replication, the addition of nucleotides on the lagging strand occurs

#19. In Prokaryotes, the transcription of DNA is initiated with the help of

#20. The process of removal of introns in a defined order in transcription unit is called

#21. Dinosaurs were present during

#22. The reptiles like dinosaurs were dominant in _____ period.

#23. Which of the following is NOT a feature of active transport of solutes in plants?

#24. The water potential of pure water is

#25. Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be prevented by the application of

#26. Which of the following growth regulators is known as ‘stress hormone’?

#27. Reduction in pH of blood will

#28. In case of severe allergy and cough. the physician advises the patient to gei the blood checked. What is expected in the blood smear report?

#29. Which valve is present at the opening of coronary sinus?

#30. Bradycardia indicates slow heart rate generally below ____ per minute.

#31. Coughing and sneezing are controlled by ______

#32. Photosensitive compound in human eye is made up of

#33. Acromegaly is caused by hypersecretion of _____ in the adult.

#34. The increase in blood flow to heart stimulates secretion of

#35. Coca alkaloid or cocaine is obtained from:

#36. One of the following substances interferes with the transport of dopamine.

#37. Inbreeding depression occurs due to continuous

#38. Which of the following is NOT a breed of buffalo?

#39. Which of the following in sewage treatment removes suspended solids

#40. ‘Cry’ gene is obtained from

#41. Exploitation of bioresources of a nation by multinational companies without authorization from the concerned country is referred to as

#42. Relatively small DNA molecules of plasmids can be identified

#43. Which of the following is not a component of downstream processing?

#44. In gene therapy, _____ can be treated by gene DNase.

#45. An enzyme catalyzing the removal of nucleotides from ends of DNA is

#46. The transgenic animals are generally produced for all of the following needs, EXCEPT

#47. Decomposers are

#48. Natural reservoir of phosphorus is

#49. Which one of the following is NOT the in siu conservation of biodiversity?

#50. Afforestation is

Biology Full Syllabus Mocktest for MHTCET 2023

The Biology All Chapters Combined Mocktest For MHTCET 2023 is an extensive examination that covers all the topics in biology. It is designed to provide students with a comprehensive evaluation of their knowledge and understanding of the subject. The Mocktest consists of a series of multiple choice questions that cover all the important areas in biology. It also includes some additional material on the key concepts, such as genetics and evolution.

For students who are preparing for the MHTCET exam 2023, the Ultimate Biology Mocktest is an essential tool. This Mocktest covers the entire Biology course and tests a student’s understanding of the content. The test is comprised of multiple-choice questions and answers, giving students an idea of what to expect on the actual exam. Additionally, students can practice their problem-solving skills and learn test-taking strategies that will help them succeed in the real exam.

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