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Anatomy of Flowering Plants Mock Test | NEET Botany Test Series

Anatomy of Flowering Plants- NEET (BOTANY)

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1 / 50

Secondary xylem in dicot stem is formed due to

2 / 50

Which of the following option is incorrect regarding heartwood ?

3 / 50

Which of the following is secondary meristematic tissue present in a bark?

4 / 50

Secondary growth in dicot root differ from secondary growth in dicot stem in

5 / 50

Dendrochronology is technique to study

6 / 50

Which one of the following pairs is suitable for study of secondary growth ?

7 / 50

One annual ring includes

8 / 50

Lenticels are present in

9 / 50

Secondary medullary rays are

10 / 50

Pericycle in dicot stem

11 / 50

Phloem parenchyma is absent in

12 / 50

Companion cells help in

13 / 50

Tracheids act as main conducting elements in

14 / 50

Find the odd one with respect to tissue formed as a result of secondary growth in extra stelar region

15 / 50

Stele include

16 / 50

Pith is well developed in

17 / 50

Which one is not a product of redifferentiation?


18 / 50

Which one is not a feature of trichomes?

19 / 50

The endodermis of dicot stem differs from that of root in having

20 / 50

Choose the correct option with respect to vascular bundle of leaf

21 / 50

Choose the correct option with respect to activity of stelar cambium in dicot stem

22 / 50

Sclereids are present in

23 / 50

Dendrochronology deals with

24 / 50

Which is not correct about the annual ring formation ?

25 / 50

The oldest layer of secondary xylem formed will be

26 / 50

Endarch vascular bundle refers to

27 / 50

Bark does not contain

28 / 50

Large conspicuous nucleus, absence of intercellular spaces, small or no vacuoles are some features associated with

29 / 50

conjunctive tissue is a characteristic feature of

30 / 50

As a tree grows and develops a thick stout stem after secondary growth, the amount of

31 / 50

Pericycle is an important layer and perform various functions except, forming

32 / 50

Which one is incorrect for tracheal plugs found in the heart wood?

33 / 50

The gritty texture of some fruits like pear and guava is due to the presence of in their pulp

34 / 50

The cambium is generally ___ on the ___ than on the outer side and as a result, the amount of ___ produced is more than ___

35 / 50

Porlcycle Is semilunar In shape and comprise of sclerenchymatous cells In

36 / 50

Water-containing cavities (schizolysigenous in origin) is found in the vascular bundle of

37 / 50

Which one is incorrect with respect to monocot leaf?

38 / 50

Which of the following is not true with respect to pericycle:

39 / 50

The dumb-bell shaped guard cells in monocots have:

40 / 50

Which one Is not truo about the monocot stem?

41 / 50

The main function of lenticel is:

42 / 50

Which of the following statement is true?

43 / 50

In a dicotyledonous stem, the sequence of tissues from the outside to the inside is

44 / 50

Mark the incorrect statement from the following :

45 / 50

Secondary growth occurs in

46 / 50

In grasses, some cells in the upper epidermis become large, empty and colourless. They are called ___ which occur in groups and help in ___ during ___.

47 / 50

Cuticle is absent in epiblema of ___ and ___.

48 / 50

A stomata apparatus consists of all of the following, except:

49 / 50

Choose incorrect statement with respect to trichome:

50 / 50

Which of the following is not the secondary meristem?

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