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Transport in PLants Mock Test | NEET Botany Test Series

Transport in Plants - NEET (BOTANY)

Best of luck

1 / 50

1. ABA inhibits

2 / 50

2. What happens to the water potential of a solution when more solute is added to it?

3 / 50

3. Osmosis is driven by

4 / 50

4. Movement of solute against concentration gradient  occurs in

5 / 50

5. Transpiration differs from guttation in (1) Loss of water in the form of vapour

6 / 50

6. Read the given features and choose incorrect with respect to imbibition.

(A) Volume of the imbibant increases

(B) Exothermic process

(C) A great pressure is developed

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7. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to diffusion?

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8. Pumps are involved in

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9. Which of the following is not associated with ascent of sap in tall trees?

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10. Demonstration of translocation of food by phloem is done by

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11. Select the correct option w.r.t factor(s) which increases rate of transpiration

(1) Dry atmosphere

(2) Low temperature

(3) High concentration of salts

(4) Low relative humidity

(5) Blue and red light

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12. DPD of a cell will rise when the cell is kept in

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13. Transport proteins of, can adjust the quantity and type of solutes that reach the xylem.

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14. Means of transport which is independent of a living system and do not require a membrane or protein is

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15. The uptake of water by dry seeds is

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16. Road the following statements and choose the correct option

A. Minerals are not absorbed passively by roots

B. They are charged particles

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17. At which stage of plasmolysis, the negative turgor pressure is observed ?

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18. In guttation

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19. In a stomatal apparatus, cellulosic microfibrils are oriented

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20. Symplast involves all of the following, except

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21. The movement of water from root hairs to xylom involves

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22. According to mass flow hypothesis phloem  translocation is

(A) In mass or bulk

(B) In the form of disaccharide sugar

(C) Brought by living tissue

(D) Based on difference in osmotic pressure

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23. For a solution at atmospheric pressure, water potential (Psi_{w}) is equivalent to

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24. Plant factor effecting transpiration includes

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25. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. transpiration

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26. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. transpiration

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27. When plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution, then

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28. Select the incorrect w.r.t pressure potential (Psi_{p}) :

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29. Which of the following is a type of cotransport ?

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30. Root pressure is not concerned with

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31. Read the following statements w.r.t. imbibition and select the correct option.

A. It requires imbibant and imbibate.

B. It depends on the difference of water potential.

C. Proteins are the best imbibants followed by phycocolloids and cellulose.

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32. When two molecules move across the membrane in the same direction, the movement is

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33. When water flows into the cells and out of the cells and are in equilibrium, the cell is said to be

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34. Girdling experiment cann't be done in sugarcane stem due to

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35. Out of following which option is not applicable for both facilitated and active transport ?

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36. Osmosis differs from diffusion in having

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37. When special proteins of membrane help to move substances across membrane without expenditure of ATP, this type of transport is

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38. Osmosis is the movement of________

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39. Numerically turgor pressure is equivalent to

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40. Aquaporins -

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41. Transpiration has the following purposes, except

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42. The humidity of rain forest is largely due to a process in plants, called

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43. Which one is not correct for a fully turgid cell?

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44. Passage of water from living cells to xylem channel requires accumulation of solute in xylem at the expenditure of energy and it leads to development of a positive pressure. This positive pressure is due to

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45. Membrane permeability of a membrane depends on

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46. Porins are transmembrane proteins that are present in the

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47. Facilitated diffusion and active transport are respectively

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48. Water Channels are made up to

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49. The transport proteins embedded in plasma membrane to allow diffusion of two types of molecule is called

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50. Find the incorrect statement with respect to diffusion in a plant cell

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