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Respiration in Plants MOck Test | NEET Botany Test Series

Respiration in Plants - NEET(Botany)


1 / 40

How many enzyme complex/complexes is/are
involved in oxidative phosphorylation ?

2 / 40

The term floating respiration is used for the
oxidation of

3 / 40

In aerobic repiration

4 / 40

How many ATP will be formed through substate
level phosphorylation in Krebs' cycle for one
molecules of sucrose ?

5 / 40

Site of link reaction is

6 / 40

How many ATP will be produced from two molecules of succinyl CoA till it gets catabolised into oxaloacetic acid through oxidative phosphorylation only

7 / 40

Which of the following product is formed by Kroabs
cycle ?

8 / 40

Which of the following complex in ETS during aorobicrespiration is not involved in the olactron transfor?

9 / 40

How many ATP molecules are produced by
substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis when
one glucose molecule is broken down into two
molecules of pyruvic acid ?

10 / 40

Which of the following is the rate limiting step in
EMP pathway ?

11 / 40

Complex-ll of inner mitochondrial membrane is

12 / 40

A: Glycolysis is a common step of both aerobic and
anaerobic respiration.
R: Glycolysis does not require oxygen

13 / 40

In fermentation

14 / 40

Decarboxylation in aerobic respiration takes place in

15 / 40

Respiratory substrate for protoplasmic respiration is:

16 / 40

How many ATP molecules are required to activate 2
molecules of glucose during glycolysis ?

17 / 40

Net gain of total number ATP in alcoholic
fermentation and lactic acid fermentation (with
respect to one glucose molecule) is

18 / 40

. On complete oxidation of one glucose molecule into
CO₂ and water, how many molecules of ATP is
produced by susbstrate level phosphorylation?

19 / 40

Which of the following enzyme is called
*Pacemaker enzyme" of EMP Pathway?

20 / 40

. How many ATPs are formed from comploto oxidation
of a glucose molecule in aerobic prokaryotes ?

21 / 40

. In fermentation there is a net gain of only
molecules of ATP for a molecule of glucose

22 / 40

. How many reactions in a Krebs' cycle are associ-
ated with the release of FADH2?

23 / 40

From one molecule of pyruvic acid through oxidative
phosphorylation only how many ATP will be formed
only through aerobic respiration ?

24 / 40

Single turn of citric acid cycle yields

25 / 40

Which one is not a mobile electron carrier in the
inner membrane of mitochondria?

26 / 40

The amount of energy liberated when one molecule
of ATP is disintegrated is

27 / 40

R.Q. value of oxalic acid is

28 / 40

How many molecules of Oxygen are required for
complete oxidation of one molecule of acetyle
Co-A ?

29 / 40

The respiratory quotient of organic acid, protein and
alcoholic fermentation are respectively

30 / 40

The processes where the reducing agent NADH +
H* is reoxidized to NAD* are

31 / 40

What is incorrect about obligate anaerobes?

32 / 40

In aerobic bacteria Krebs' cycle occurs in

33 / 40

Which of the following is correct?

34 / 40

Sum total of substrate level phosphorylation during
one EMP pathway and one TCA cycle is

35 / 40

In ETS, cytochrome-c oxidase complex contains

36 / 40

How many decarboxylation reactions take place in
aerobic respiration ?

37 / 40

The total number of ATP molecules produced
through substrate level phosphorylation in Krebs'
cycle for one molecule of sucrose is

38 / 40

What is not correct with respect to ETC?

39 / 40

Find the correct statement from the following

40 / 40

Find the Incorrect match from the following

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