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Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques – Chemistry | NEET Online Mock Test

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Mock Test Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques
ExamNEET Medical Test
Marks 100
No. Questions50 Questions
Time50 Minutes

Some Basic Principles and Techniques Instruction for Online Mock Test :


Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques - NEET (Chemistry)

Best of Luck!

1 / 50

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4 / 50

How many possible structural isomers of C5H11CI?

5 / 50

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7 / 50

Total number of optical isomers possible for 2, 3 dibromobutane is

8 / 50

9 / 50

10 / 50

Styrene can be purified by

11 / 50

In Duma's method of estimation of nitrogen 0.35 g of an organic compound gave 55 ml of nitrogen collected at 300K temperature and 715 mm pressure. The percentage composition of nitrogen in the compound would be [Aqueous tension at 300K 15 mm]

12 / 50

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14 / 50

During nitrogen estimation of an organic compound by Kjeldahl's method, the ammonia evolved by 0.5g of the compound neutralised 10ml of 1(M) H2SO4. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the compound.

15 / 50

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Number of positional isomers possible in C6H3Cl3 with benzene ring will be

17 / 50

18 / 50

How many distinct terminal alkenes are possible for a compound having molecular formula C6H12

19 / 50

How many geometrical isomers are possible for CH3 - CH = CH - CH = CHCI ?

20 / 50

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22 / 50

0.56g of an organic compound was kjeldahlised. Ammonia evolved was passed in 50 cc of 1N H2SO4. Residual acid needed 60 cc of N/2 NaOH. The percentage of 'N' in this compound is

23 / 50

24 / 50

How many cyclic structures are possible for C4H6?

25 / 50

26 / 50

Select the compound(s) having one stereoisomeric form with zero dipole moment

I) Pent-2-ene
II) 2,3-dichlorobut-2-ene
III) 1, 3-dichlorohexane
IV) But-2-ene

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Carbon and hydrogen in organic compound are detected by heating compound with

33 / 50

The number of possible enantiomeric pair that can be produced during monochlorination of 2-methyl butane is

34 / 50

Identify incorrect statement

  1. SN1 reaction at chiral centre proceeds with less than 100% racemization
  2. C6H5CH2Cl more reactive than CH2 = CH - CH2 - Cl towards KI in acetone
  3. Neopentyl halide can give only SN1 reaction with KOH (aq)
  4. CH3 - Br cannot give SN1 and E1 reaction

35 / 50

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Which alkene has minimum heat of hydrogenation

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The number of chiral centre present in 3, 4- dibromo-2-pentanol is

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Which one of the following method is useful for separating a solution (miscible) benzene + CHCI3?

43 / 50

29.5 mg of an organic compound containing nitrogen was digested according to Kjeldahl's method and the evolved NH, was absorbed in 20 ml of 0.1 M HCI solution. The excess of acid required 15 ml. of 0.1M NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. The percentage of nitrogen in the compound is

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50 / 50

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