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The p-Block Elements – Chemistry | NEET Online Mock Test

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Mock TestThe p-Block Elements
ExamNEET Medical Test
No. Questions50 Questions
Time50 Minutes


The p-Block Elements - NEET (Chemistry)

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1 / 40

Which of the following can not be prepared by direct reaction of NH3 with B2H6?

  1. (BN)x
  2. B3N3H6
  3. BH3.NH3
  4. [B(NH3)3H]2+

2 / 40

Maximum number of atoms present in same plane in diborane is

3 / 40

When diborane and ammonia react in ratio 1 : 2 at higher temparature then it gives

4 / 40

Order of thermal stability of hydride of carbon is

  1. CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4 < PbH44
  2.  PbH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4 < CH4
  3. CH4 > SiH4 > GeH4 > SnH4 > PbH4
  4. GeH4 > SnH4 > SiH4 > PbH4 > CH4

5 / 40

Linear silicones are formed by following reaction

  1. The hydrolysis of ethyl chlorosilane followed by polymerisation
  2. The acid hydrolysis of dimethyl silane followed by polymerisation
  3. The hydrolysis of dimethyl dichlorosilane followed by polymerisation
  4. The hydrolysis of trimethyl chlorosilane followed by polymerisation

6 / 40

Si2O76- anion is obtained when

  1. No oxygen of a SiO44- tetrahedron is shared with another SiO4 tetrahedron
  2. One oxygen atom of a SiO44- tetrahedron is shared with another SiO41- tetrahedron
  3. Two oxygen atoms of a SiO44- tetrahedron are shared with another SiO41- tetrahedron
  4. Three or all four oxygen atoms of a tetrahedron are shared with other SiO44- tetrahedron

7 / 40

Select the compound that can make boric acid solution strongly acidic when added to the solution of boric acid

8 / 40

Select the following anion that is present in the chain structure of silicates

  1. (SiO32-)n
  2. Si2O76-
  3. SiO44-
  4. (Si2O52-)n

9 / 40

The one that is not hydrolysed is

  1. CCl4
  2. SiCl4
  3. GeCl4
  4. SnCl4

10 / 40

Select from the following oxides that is basic

  1. B2O3
  2. Al2O3
  3. Ga2O3
  4. In2O3

11 / 40

12 / 40

Find the number of tetrahedral boron atoms present in the structure of borax

13 / 40

The silicates containing (Si2O7)6- units are called

14 / 40

Reaction of diborane with Ammonia gives initially

  1. B2H6 . NH3
  2. (BN)x
  3. B2H6 . 3NH3
  4. [BH2(NH3)2]+ [BH4-]

15 / 40

Select from the following that has highest Lewis acid strength

  1. Bl3
  2. BBr3
  3. BF3
  4. BCl3

16 / 40

17 / 40

When formic acid is heated with concentrated H₂SO4 the gas evolved contains

  1. CO2
  2. CO
  3. A mixture of CO and CO2
  4. A mixture of SO2 and CO2

18 / 40

Which of the following can show maximum covalency six ?

19 / 40

B2O3 can be prepared from

  1. Ca2B6O11.5H2O
  2. Na2B4O7.10H2O
  3. H3BO3
  4. All of the above

20 / 40

When ethyl alcohol reacts with orthoboric acid which of the following compound is formed?

  1. (C2H5)3BO3
  2. C2H5H2BO3
  3. (C2H5)2HBO3
  4. All of the above

21 / 40

Choose incorrect option

  1. SnCl2 acts as a reducing agent
  2. PbO2 is called litharge
  3. Carborundum is a covalent solid
  4. SiCl4 on hydrolysis gives silicic acid

22 / 40

23 / 40

Which of the following is weakest Lewis acid ?

  1. BF3
  2. BCl3
  3. BBr3
  4. BI3

24 / 40

Which of the following is the formula of ortho silicate?

  1. ZrSiO4
  2. Mg2SiO4
  3. Zn2SiO4
  4. All of the above

25 / 40

26 / 40

A banana bond in diborane involves

27 / 40

28 / 40

Which of the following is incorrect?

29 / 40

In the reaction BF, + LIAIH → →X + LIF + AIF3 The formula of 'X' is

  1. B2H6
  2. B2O3
  3. B3N3H6
  4. B2H6

30 / 40

Which is the most stable among the following hydridos?

  1. CH4
  2. SlH4
  3. GeH4
  4. PbH4

31 / 40

Choose correct statement:

32 / 40

The number of boron atoms having sp2 hybridization in borax unit is

33 / 40

LiAIH4 can react with BCI3 to produce

  1. B2H6
  2. LiBO2
  3. B2O3
  4. H3BO3

34 / 40

SiO44- units are found to be present in

35 / 40

The product obtained in the reaction of diborane with excess of ammonia under strong heating condition is

  1. B2H6 . NH3
  2. B2H6 . 2NH3
  3. (BN)x
  4. Borazine

36 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40

The number of 2e - 2c bonds in B2H6 is :

39 / 40

Borax in its crystal possesses

40 / 40

In Group 14 the tendency to show +2 oxidation state increases in the order of:

  1. Sn < Ge < Pb
  2. Ge < Sn <Pb
  3. Pb < Ge < Sn
  4. Pb < Sn < Ge


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