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Cell The Unit of Life Mock Test | NEET Botany Test Series


Cell The Unit of Life - NEET (Botany)

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1 / 50

In eukaryotes, the 60S subunit of the 80S ribosome contains

2 / 50

Which of the following characteristics are correct with respect to chlorophyll containing semi- autonomous organelle?

3 / 50

Select the correct functions of golgi complex

4 / 50

Select the odd one w.r.t endomembrane system

5 / 50

Select the incorrect statement with respect to nucleus

6 / 50

Which of the following is true for sap vacuoles in plants

7 / 50

In plant cells, the vacuoles occupy upto % of the plant cell

8 / 50

The 40S smaller subunits of the 80S ribosome has

9 / 50

Which of the following is/are associated with cell envelop in a bacterial cell?

10 / 50

Basal body of the flagellum in Gram negative bacteria has

11 / 50

Which among the following cell organelles is/are without any membrane boundary?

12 / 50

Euchromation differs from heterochromatin in (1) Darkly stained structure

13 / 50

Which part of the cell wall is chiefly made up of calcium pectate?

14 / 50

9 peripheral triplet of micro tubules without any central tubule in T.S. is found in

15 / 50

Common rRNA found in 70s and 80s types ribosome is

16 / 50

Which of the following not true for plasmid?

17 / 50

Prokaryotic flagella differs from eukaryotic flagella in having

18 / 50

Select the incorrect option with respect to nucleolus.

19 / 50

Disc-shaped structures present on sides of primary constriction is called

20 / 50

Which structure of cell helps in anchorage of chromatin to nuclear wall?

21 / 50

Which structure is more active in acidic pH?

22 / 50

The quasifluid nature of___helps the____movement of proteins within the plasmamembrane bilayer

23 / 50

Mesosome in bacterial cell is responsible for

24 / 50

The shape of a bacterial cell is determined by

25 / 50

All organelles of eukaryotic cell are absent in prokaryotes, except

26 / 50

The organelle which is found in abundance in germinating fatty seeds is

27 / 50

B-oxidation of fat takes place in

28 / 50

Ribophorins I and II are absent from

29 / 50

Which of the following statement is correct?

30 / 50

Find the incorrect statement with respect to cell wall of plant cell

31 / 50

Which statement is applicable to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

32 / 50

Which of the following set of organisms, cells and entity are exceptions to cell theory?

33 / 50

Which of the following statements are correct with respect to mesosome ?

34 / 50

The longest portion of a bacterial flagellum is

35 / 50

Gluconeogenesis occurs in plants by

36 / 50

How many chromosomes in human beings have NOR?

37 / 50

Read the statements carefully and choose the correct option

(A) Pit cavity is flask shaped

(B) These cavities are found in tracheids

38 / 50

Find how many organelles function in a coordinated manner from the bracket given below

(Vacuole, Ribosome, Golgi bodies, Centrosome, ER, Sphaerosome, Lysosome, Mitochondria, Plastids)

39 / 50

Which is an exception to cell theory?

40 / 50

Informosomes are

41 / 50

Find the incorrect statement with respect to mitochondria

42 / 50

Which one is not a function of nucleolus?

43 / 50

The nucleolus is the principal site for the synthesis of

44 / 50

The different types of plastids i.e., leucoplast, chromoplast and chloroplast are quite related as

45 / 50

Find the incorrect one with respect to the function of smooth ER

46 / 50

The connecting layer of the cell wall of adjacent cells in a plant is

47 / 50

find the incorrect statement with respect to prokaryotic cell

48 / 50

The algal cell wall is made up of

(a) Cellulose

(b) Mannans and galactans

(c) CaCO3

49 / 50

Reserve material in prokaryotic cells is stored in the cytoplasm in the form of non-membranous, and these are.

50 / 50

Which of the following rRNA is common to both prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic ribosome?

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