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Biomolecules and Polymer Chemistry Mocktest Mhtcet 2023


Principal molecules of the living world

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Biomolecules Test

Best of Luck!

1 / 20

The structure of DNA is

2 / 20

The sequence of ____ DNA carries the genetic information of the organism.

3 / 20

Which of the following is not present in a nucleotide?

4 / 20

Purine derivative among the following bases is

5 / 20

Nucleic acids are unbranched polymers of

6 / 20

Proteins by the action of heat and chemical reagents like acids form

7 / 20

_____structure of proteins  is the sequence of constituent α amino acids residues linked by peptide bonds.

8 / 20

the compound which does not have amino acid group is

9 / 20

Which molecule is eliminated when two molecules of amino acid combine to form a dipeptide?

10 / 20

Disaccharide present in Milk is

11 / 20

Sucrose is non reducing sugar because

12 / 20

The two monosaccharide units are linked together by____. which is termed  as Glycosidic Linkage.

13 / 20

The number of secondary alcohol group present in glucose is/are

14 / 20

Glucose is separated from fructose by adding ethanol because glucose is

15 / 20

Glucose is an example of

16 / 20

Monosaccharides containing -CHO group are known as

17 / 20

Raffinose on hydrolysis yields____.

18 / 20

Which of the following does not yield two monosaccharide units on hydrolysis?

19 / 20

Oligosaccharides on hydrolysis yield ______ units of monosaccharide

20 / 20

A carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolysed to smaller units is called

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The average score is 46%



Classification of polymers
Some important polymer 
Molecular mass and degree of polymerization of polymers
Biodegradable polymers

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Polymer Chemistry

Start the Test

Best of Luck!!

1 / 30

Which of the following is not a polyester polymer?

2 / 30

____ polymers are resistant to environmental degradation process and do not degrade on their own but accumulated as solid waste material

3 / 30

Glyptal polymer is obtained from ethylene glycol on reaction with

4 / 30

The monomeric component of commercial polymer thermocol is

5 / 30

PVC is prepared by the polymerisation of

6 / 30

The chemical used for vulcanization of neoprene is

7 / 30

Which polymer is used for making hose pipes for transport of gasoline

8 / 30

Polymer X is used in making decorative table tops like formica and plastic dinner-ware polymer X is

9 / 30

Teflon is

10 / 30

Polyacrylonitrile is used as substitute for

11 / 30

Which of the following chemical species is used to vulcanize the natural rubber?

12 / 30

Treatment of rubber with sulphur is called _______.

13 / 30

Formation of natural rubber happens by the process of _________ polymerization.

14 / 30

The monomer of natural polymer rubber is ________.

15 / 30

PVC is a/an _______ polymer.

16 / 30

Thermosetting polymers are________.

17 / 30

Which of the following can be remoulded and recycled?

18 / 30

The compounds that undergo ring opening polymerization is/are _________

19 / 30

A condensation polymer among the following is ________

20 / 30

The monomers used in the condensation polymerisation have ________

21 / 30

Which of the following is branched chain polymer?

22 / 30

Which of the following is a linear polymer?

23 / 30

Which of the following is regenerated fibre?

24 / 30

Regenerated fibres are ______ polymers.

25 / 30

______is a synthetic polymer.

26 / 30

Which is a naturally occurring polymer?

27 / 30

Which of the following is not a polymer?

28 / 30

Which of the following is not an organic biopolymer?

29 / 30

Polymers are

30 / 30

The monomer of neoprene is

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The average score is 47%


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