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Chemistry Mock test Mhtcet 2023-24

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Chemistry all Chapters Combined Mocktest - 05

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1 / 50

Identify the correct statement.

2 / 50

Which of the following is an example of covalent network solid?

3 / 50

The edge length of unit cell of ccp Al crystal is 353.6 pm. The radius of Al atom is?

4 / 50

In two dimensional AAAA type square close packed structure, the coordination number of each sphere is _________.

5 / 50

Identify the compound amongst the following of which 0.1 M aqueous solution has highest boiling point.

6 / 50

The van’t Hoff factor (i) for a dilute aqueous solution of the strong electrolyte barium hydroxide is _____.

7 / 50

In water saturated air, the mole fraction of water vapour is 0.02. If the total pressure of the saturated air is 1.2 atm, the partial pressure of dry air is _______.

8 / 50

If molality of the dilute solution is doubled, the value of molal depression constant will be _____.

9 / 50

The number of moles of a compound that dissolve to give one litre of saturated solution is called its___

10 / 50

The pH of 1 mill molar HCL: solution is ____.

11 / 50

Which of the following forms a basic buffer solution?

12 / 50

How many grams of NaOH must be dissolved in 1 L of solution of give it a pH value of 11?

13 / 50

Theoretical basis of Hess’s law is ____.

14 / 50

The correct thermodynamic conditions for spontaneous reaction at all temperatures is:

15 / 50

If K < 1.0, then the value of ΔG will be ___.

16 / 50

Identify an extensive property amongst the following.

17 / 50

The resulting solution obtained at the end of electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of NaCl _______.

18 / 50

Which of the following is not a secondary volatile cell?

19 / 50

The charge of one mole electrons are is _____.

20 / 50

The conduction of electricity through metallic conductor is due to the movement of _____.

21 / 50

The study of the rate of reactions and factors affecting its rate is known as _____.

22 / 50

When a reaction progresses, ______.

23 / 50

Order of a reaction _____.

24 / 50

Which of the following group 16 element is present in galena and zinc blende?

25 / 50

Which of the following will have lowest ionization enthalpy?

26 / 50

Oxygen will not exhibit ______ oxidation state.

27 / 50

The number of unpaired electrons in Ni (atomic number = 28) are:

28 / 50

Which metal is used a prat of catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch method?

29 / 50

The purest form of commercial iron is ____.

30 / 50

The dispositive ion of following metals form most stable coordinate complex with ammonia?

31 / 50

The chelating ligand, which is used in the treatment of lead poisoning is_______.

32 / 50

Haemoglobin is a complex of ______.

33 / 50

Which of the following cannot be prepared by direct halogenation of benzene?

34 / 50

An alkane that gives only one type of monohalogen derivative on halogenation is ______.

35 / 50

1,2-Dichloroethane is which type of halide?

36 / 50

Which of the following compounds has lowest boiling point?

37 / 50

When vapours of secondary alcohol are passed over heated copper at 573 K, the product formed is _____.

38 / 50

Diethyl ether when heated with excess HI produces ______.

39 / 50

Carboxylic acid reacts with ammonia resulting in the formation of ______.

40 / 50

In the formation of ester from carboxylic acid, the bond broken is ______

41 / 50

Which of the following is a mixed ketone

42 / 50

Which of the following will have lowest boiling point?

43 / 50

The basic character of amines is due to the ______.

44 / 50

Which of the following reaction takes place during the orange dye test?

45 / 50

Which of the following does not yield to monosaccharide units on hydrolysis?

46 / 50

The compound which does not have amino acid group ______.

47 / 50

Which of the following is fibrous protein?

48 / 50

Regenerated fibres are _____ polymers

49 / 50

The compound(s) that undergoes ring opening polymerization is/are _____.

50 / 50

Polyacrylonitrile is used as a substitute for ______.

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