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Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties – Chemistry | NEET Online Mock Test |

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Mock TestClassification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
ExamNEET Medical Test
No. Questions50 Questions
Time50 Minutes


Classification of elements and periodicity in properties - NEET (Chemistry)

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1 / 50

F-, Na+ and Mg+2 are isoelectronic species. Which one is correct?

  1. All have the same size
  2. Mg+2 has a minimum effective nuclear charge
  3. F- have the smallest size
  4. Mg+2 has a maximum effective nuclear charge

2 / 50

Nb belongs to the 5th period while Ta belongs to the 6th period. Which one is correct?

3 / 50

Which one is not an endothermic reaction?

  1. O- + e-  -->  O-2
  2. O+ --> O+2  +  e
  3. O --> O+  +  e-
  4. O + e-  -->  O-

4 / 50

Some neutral atoms have electronic configurations as follows: A = 1s22s22p1,    B = 1s22s2,   C = 1s22s22p63s1, D =1s22s22p3. In which of these electronic configurations would you expect to have the lowest 1st IP?

5 / 50

Order of 1st IE of elements of the second period is

  1. Li<Be<B<C<N<O<F
  2. Li<B<Be<C<O<N<F
  3. Be<Li<B<C<N<O<F
  4. Be<Li<C<B<N<F<O

6 / 50

In Pauling's scale, the electronegativity values of two elements A and B are found to be 3.0 and 0.7 respectively. Calculate the percentage ionic character of the compound formed.

7 / 50

The electronegativity of the following elements increases in the order

  1. Si < P < C < N
  2. N < Si < C < P
  3. P < Si < N < C
  4. C < N < Si < P

8 / 50

Find the group and period in the periodic table of elements having atomic number 29

9 / 50

Effective nuclear charge is increased on going from

10 / 50

Select the Vanderwaals radio which is the largest

11 / 50

Due to lanthanide contraction

12 / 50

1st IP of elements of the Boron family is

  1. B > AI > Ga >ln>TI
  2. B Ga <ln<TI
  3. B > TI > Ga > AI > In
  4. B > TI > Ga > In > AI

13 / 50

From the graph which is correct


14 / 50

Select the one that has the highest value of the 2nd IP of the given element

  1. 1s22s22p63s2
  2. 1s22s22p63s1
  3. 1s22s22p6
  4. 1s22s1

15 / 50

The element of 3rd period that has the highest electron affinity is

16 / 50

According to Allred and Rochow's scale, the slope of the following graph is given as ( tilde En : Electronegativity)

17 / 50

Select the order that is correct regarding the increasing order of electronegativity

  1. M+3 < M+2 < M+1 < M
  2. M < M-1 < M-2 < M-3
  3. M-3 < M-2 < M-1 < M
  4. M+3 = M+2 = M+1 < M

18 / 50

Which of the following ion is the largest in size?

  1. N3-
  2. O2-
  3. Al+3
  4. Mg+2

19 / 50

In which of the following options both pair of elements have more or less, the same atomic radius?

20 / 50

Select the correct order of IE, among the following

  1. Li < Na < K
  2. K > Ca
  3. N < O
  4. He < Ne <Ar

21 / 50

Select from the following that has maximum negative Electron gain enthalpy

  1. A(g) + e- + 60kJ  --> A-
  2. B(g) + e- + 400kJ  --> B-
  3. C(g) + e-  --> C- +140kJ
  4. D(g) + e-  --> D- + 60kJ

22 / 50

Select the one that has the highest Bond energy

  1. F2
  2. Cl2
  3. Br2
  4. I2

23 / 50

The position of Co in modern periodic table is

24 / 50

Which one has the minimum effective nuclear charge

25 / 50

Which of the following has a minimum covalent radius?

26 / 50

Which of the following elements have positive electron gain enthalpy

27 / 50

In the gaseous phase, which of the following has the highest ionic size for identical coordination number?

  1. Li+(g)
  2.  Na+(g)
  3.  K+(g)
  4.  Cu+(g)



28 / 50

An element (z = 112) belongs to which period and which group?

29 / 50

Which of the following is(are) consequence(s) of Lanthanide contraction ?

30 / 50

The first ionisation potentials (eV) of Be and B are respectively

31 / 50

A sudden jump between the values of second and third ionisation energies of an element would be associated with the electronic configuration

  1. 1s22s22p63s1
  2. 1s22s22p63s1
  3. 1s22s22p6
  4. 1s2 2s2 2p3s2

32 / 50

The correct order of second ionisation potential is

  1. IE2(Mg) > IE2(Al)
  2. IE2(Na) > IE2(Mg)
  3. IE2(Al) < IE2(Si)
  4. IE2(N) > IE2(O)

33 / 50

Of the following elements, which possess the highest electron affinity?

34 / 50

Which of the following has the highest 2nd IE?

35 / 50

The most electronegative chlorine is present in

  1. HCIO2
  2. HCIO3
  3. HCIO
  4. HCIO4

36 / 50

Among the oxides given below, how many of them are acidic oxides?
MnO, CO2, NO2, N2O5, CO, N2O

37 / 50

The correct order of electron affinity is

  1. F > CI > Br > I
  2. S > Se > Te > Po > O
  3. O > S > Se > Te > Po
  4. CI > Br > F > I

38 / 50

Which of the following has the correct order of ionic radii?

  1. O2- > F- > Na+ > Mg2+
  2. Mg2+  > Na+O2-F-
  3. Mg2+ > Na+  > F- > O2-
  4. O2- > F- > Mg2+  > Na+

39 / 50

Which of the following statements is incorrect

40 / 50

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. The bond energy of the Cl-C bond is less than the bond energy of the F - F bond
  2. The bond angle in H2O is less than that in OF2
  3. The bond order of the C-C bond in C6H6 is less than the bond order of N2
  4. O2 is more stable than N2

41 / 50

Which of the following is the correct order of  negative electron gain enthalpy of halogens?

  1. F > CI > Br > I
  2. Cl> Br>I>F
  3. Cl > F > Br > I
  4. CI > Br > F > I

42 / 50

Which of the following has positive electron gain enthalpy ?

43 / 50

Which of the following has maximum electronegativity?

44 / 50

45 / 50

Which of the following isolated gaseous ions is most stable ?

  1. Fe2+
  2. Fe+
  3. Fe3+
  4. V2+

46 / 50

Which of the following elements of group 13 has the least ionization enthalpy value?

47 / 50

Which of the following has the lowest first ionization energy?

48 / 50

Which of the following is different from the other three oxides?

49 / 50

Which of the following is/are correct regarding the first negative electron gain enthalpy value?

  1. S > 0
  2. P > N
  3. Cl > F
  4. All Of These

50 / 50

Identify correct statements

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